
Risultati per "fight"


  • Frasi famose - parte 16

    ...e. Just get people to stop reading them. ~ Ray Bradbury You may have to fight a battle more than once to wi...oliday in the ANDES!); (Panic message in the kernel.) panic(Foooooooood fight!); (from linux/drivers/scsi/a...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 14

    ...) Nessuno ti ascolta finche' non fai almeno un errore. Never do anything against conscience, even if the state demands it. ~ Albert Einstein Never fight ugly people, they have nothin...

    1252 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 13

    ...William Arthur Ward Fidanzata incinta! posare, (I)gnorare, (A)bortire? Fights between cats and dogs are pr...builds with both. ~ Francis Bacon He who flees and runs away, lives to fight another day! He who has imagi...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 12

    ...e scanning the scene in the city tonight, looking for you to start up a fight Metallica We are the buckle on the way out. (Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962) We fight the fire, why are we feeding...

    1252 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 8

    ...e che contano di piu' non devono essere mai alla merce' di cose che contano meno. (Goethe) Le cose che possiedi alla fine ti posseggono. (Dal film Fight club) Le cose che si amano no...

    1262 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 7

    ...he verb to trust and never let you down Pearl Jam I wish that I could jump out of my skin (They Might Be Giants) I won the battle of each internal fight Eventide I would like an Inte...

    1252 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 6

    ...ft the path of wisdom J.R.R. Tolkien He who doesn't find a little enough will find nothing enough. (Epicurus) He who flees and runs away, lives to fight another day! He who has imagi...

    1252 giorni fa