
Risultati per "action"


  • Frasi famose - parte 15

    ...t. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action. ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi Premi C...urage to continue that counts. ~ Winston Churchill Success is the satisfaction of feeling that one is realiz...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 14

    ...iso il freddo. (V. Majakovskij) Mai prendere in considerazione i particolari se non si e' capito l'insieme. (Samuel Johnson) Main's Law: For every action there is an equal and opposit...

    1252 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 13

    ...uman race has survived. ~ Bertrand Russell (Unpopular Essays) For every action, there is an equal and opposi...n Wanamaker Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind. ~ Emil...

    3072 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 11 biblioteca a leggere un buon libro Groucho Marx Trovo sempre nuovi accordi che catturino una melodia Ritmi Urbani True Christianity is love in action. (David O. McKay) True morali...

    1252 giorni fa