
Risultati per "the beatles"


  • Frasi famose - parte 12

    ...eams, only the time we are here. (Susan Taylor) We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out. (Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962) We fight the fire, why...

    1255 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 11

    ...Mazzoni Texas can't be rationally explained Zed (AUG)    Thankee-sai, long days, kiss my ass and go to heaven Stephen King The Beatles were the most exciting thing...

    1255 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 10

    ...ut always see first. Otherwise you will only see what you were expecting Douglas Adams See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly The Beatles See, the problem is that God...

    1266 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 9

    ...ssando di moda (Un portavoce della Decca Recording Co. a proposito dei Beatles, 1962) Non ci sara' mai abbas...tarre sono fuori moda. Un portavoce della Decca Records riferendosi ai Beatles, 1962. Non m' importa di come...

    1255 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 7

    I vaguely remember my schooldays. They were what was going on in the background while I was trying to listen to the Beatles Douglas Adams I vecchi alberi fan parte del passato Bip Gis...

    1255 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 6 cheap Bruce Springsteen Help me get my feet back on the ground (The Beatles) Help me paint a picture then...tered ... effortlessly pronouncing a row of dashes (Terry Pratchett) I Beatles sono solo miei... e anche se...

    1255 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 2

    ...ransfer rate medio e' decisamente elevato. (dai forum di And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make The Beatles And someday, with enough mark...

    1255 giorni fa