
Risultati per "real life"


  • Cosa ci rende Umani ?

    ...r curiosity ? The quest for discovery ?  Driven by these questions, filmmaker and artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand spent three years collecting real-life stories from 2,000 women and...

    3190 giorni fa

  • Coca-Cola Social Media Guard

    ...l Media Guard takes the "social" out of media and puts it back into your life. Did you know that the world...down. Look around you, there is probably someone special you can share a real moment with. Enjoy it with a...

    3595 giorni fa

  • Ogni tanto bisogna staccare dalla tecnologia

    Un ragazzo obeso viene insultato in rete durante una partita alla X-Box, viene additato come "fat ass" (culo grasso) , ed inizia a dare di matto distruggendo tutto quanto gli capita a tiro.Video già presente su Facebook con il titolo "the real life eric cartman" 

    3709 giorni fa

  • Super car driver idiots [NO pics, only videos]

    ...or/and clips of pure racing cars on official racing events. This compilation DOES NOT include pure racing cars on official racing events - only real life FAILures on the STREETS, made...

    4353 giorni fa