
Risultati per "schools"


  • Frasi famose - parte 14, sulla parte inferiore delle bottiglie di Coca Cola: APRIRE L'ALTRA ESTREMITA'. In case of atomic attack, the federal ruling against prayer in schools will be temporarily canceled....

    1250 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 10

    ...g to laugh Scoot (ABSK) Reminds me of a guy I used to know - a tall short fat skinny guy who lived upstairs in the basement. We went to different schools together. Cybernetic Tiger (A...

    1261 giorni fa



  • EUROPE vs ISLAM : Decide NOW before it is too late!

    EUROPE vs ISLAM - Which way of life you would like? Decide NOW before it is too late! Support Geert Wilders and restore back Europe!

    ...had, terrorism, terrorists, infidels, fight, allah, akbar, obama, prophet, mohammed, imam, mosque, immigration, quran, hadith, sunnah, mujahdeen, schools, suicide, sharia, law, christ...

    4443 giorni fa