
Risultati per "terrorism"


  • "We'll Never Forget" - Budweiser September 11th Tenth Anniversary Commercial

    Budweiser 9/11 tribute commercial   L'11 settembre 2001 era un martedì e tutto cambiò !! Nessuna illazione su eventuali complotti, nessuna remora per eventuali mancanze.   Solo il ricordo delle  2.996 vittime di 372 nazioni, e di coloro che diedero ...

    HashTag: budweiser, tribute, 9/11, terrorism, freedom, attack, victims

    3933 giorni fa

  • EUROPE vs ISLAM : Decide NOW before it is too late!

    EUROPE vs ISLAM - Which way of life you would like? Decide NOW before it is too late! Support Geert Wilders and restore back Europe!

    HashTag: islam, germany, denmark, gaza, israel, islamist, islamic, france, iraq, italy, muslim, muslims, egypt, europe, america, jihad, terrorism, terrorists, infidels, fight, allah, a...

    4437 giorni fa