
Risultati per "we built this city"


  • Frasi famose - parte 15

    ...l Gibran Perseverance and audacity generally win. ~ Dorothee DeLu...u couldn't belong. RAM wasn't built in a day. Ramasa neuva ramas...inated are not allowed in the city of Germantown (Tennesee). Sil...der a car, just out of reach (this force is technically termed '...

    3073 giorni fa

  • Frasi famose - parte 5

    ...forms; no one can be exempted from this responsibility, and on the bas...o me... I'm a scientist. -- Spock, This Side of Paradise, stardate 34...UG) Ever heard of .cshrc? That's a city in Bosnia. Right? (da comp.os...h goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the window whi...

    3073 giorni fa


  • Starship - We Built This City on Rock and Roll

    ...Now ecco il testo / LYRICS: We built this city, we built this city on rock an' rollBuilt this ci...we built this city on rock an' rollWe built this city, we built this city on rock a...ten to the radio, don't you rememberWe built this city, we built this city on rock a...

    2264 giorni fa


  • Starship - We Built This City on Rock and Roll

    Marconi Plays the Mambo, questa è forse la frease che più di ogni altra ci è rimasta in mente, di questa canzone; o forse nel video la statua del presidente lincoln che improvvisamente si alza per cantare. Comunque sia, un brano indimenticabile dagli stessi creatori di SARA ...

    HashTag: starship, lyrics, sara, we built this city, marconi, mambo, 1986, lincoln

    2264 giorni fa